Homologation T1, T3 a L7e

Homologation T1/T3/L7e

T3 (referred to as yellow markings or tractor) or L7e (referred to as white markings) are the designations of machine models according to the European Homologation Directive.
L7e is a more recent regulation that tightens the conditions for their manufacture. So it can be expected that L7e are more expensive than T3 because the manufacturer is forced to use different components, patents, technology, etc.


T3 - yellow marks

This standard falls into the same category as small tractors, i.e. special vehicle . From this the next description follows.

T3 is divided into T3a and T3b. In our country, there are usually machines in the T3b category which have a maximum speed of 60km/h (T3a only has up to 40km/h). There is no need for a rear differential and the whole machine design is considerably simpler (this is important for any repairs).

To summarise T3:

  • Driving licence: T without restriction or B up to 3500 kg
  • Special Vehicle Technical Licence is issued
  • On certain days the machine cannot be driven on Class I roads
  • Helmets are not compulsory
  • First roadworthiness test after 4 years, next after 2 years

T1 - yellow marks

These are UTVs and SSVs with an operating weight of more than 600 kg. Maximum speed is limited to 60 km/h. UTVs and SSVs in category T1b can be easily expensed, VAT deducted or subsidised.

T3 is divided into T3a and T3b. In our country, there are usually machines in the T3b category which have a maximum speed of 60km/h (T3a only has up to 40km/h). There is no need for a rear differential and the whole machine design is considerably simpler (this is important for any repairs).

To summarise T1:

  • Group B or T driving licence required
  • Seat belts required
  • Helmets are not compulsory, but their use is strongly recommended!
  • First technical inspection after 4 years, next after 2 years

L7e - white plates

The L7e is the newer one, where the model has to meet the EURO5 standard and other sub-points that are pointless to break down, These models get a white plate, i.e. compared to the T3 they do not have restrictions on specific days. But they must have brakes on all 4 wheels, for example. 

We divide them into:

  • off-road quads L7e-B (or B1 quads with handlebars and B2 side-by-side with steering wheel), where there is no power limit, but a maximum speed of 90 km/h
  • and L7e-A road quads, where there is a power limit of 15kW which cannot be circumvented.

To summarize the L7e:

  • EURO4,5 required etc.
  • mandatory helmet
  • driving licence B
  • technical inspection first after 6 years, next after 4 years